
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Have I Mopped the Sky Lately?

Oh my – it seems God dropped his cotton balls all over the sky last night!  Which could have had him asking if the sky was clean enough to pick them all up for re-use later?

Out with the dogs – at 3:00am, (guh, at least the weather was fair and it was a pleasant night.  If that can be said about being outside at 3:00am and not snug in your bed on a Tuesday night). I looked up at the sky and it was fascinating, then I thought, looks like cotton balls. 

Wow – God must have dropped them all over the sky while he was fumbling around at 3:00am too!

When it’s this late and I’m on dog duty, I too find myself doing half-awake things – like putting the leash on the wrong dog or wearing my husband’s robe, which, due to more than a foot in height difference between us, has it dragging through the wet grass – like a not so elegant train.  Therefore, when he gets up a few hours later and puts it on – it’s soaking wet.  Not to mention the nights I go out in the snow in my bare feet.  Yup, sound asleep, then startled awake for a puppy piddle, doesn’t always go well.

But at least for me last night I had something pretty to look at.  And I’m so glad he didn't drop the Q-Tips, they could have come down like cardboard spears and killed us all!  Certainly ducking would have been an aerobic activity I may not have been prepared for that early in the morning……

(Had to borrow a pic from, tried to take a picture of the sky – but all I got was blackness)

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