I was lying in my bed the other morning when our little dog
jumped up, landed on my bladder and thus produced a loud GUH -UGHH noise out of
me. When I pushed her off me and explained
she was on my bladder and she needed to move - now, Trouble, I mean Rosie, clearly
and promptly snorgled at me “Oh, get over it”.
Then I laughed. This
dog has a very distinctive voice – I call it a snorgle – it’s a somewhat
throaty snort made while gurgling and breathing inward – I think.
When hubby comes home from work at night, she jumps up on
his lap, sits upright on her hind legs and has a whole host of things to say to
him each evening – we have no idea what they are, but I’m quite sure she is
starting to mimic us and I did hear her snorgle she loves him the other
day. Of course, what's not to love about him?
My first doggie used to yawn that to me all
the time – at least that’s what I heard every time I opened the door and came
into the house. He also used to yawn “go
for a ride”? I was a sucker for both
And Gunnie, well she is a pretty quite girl, except between
7:00 and 7:15pm. Now, she doesn’t have
anything specific to say – she just sidles up to your seat and starts being a
sassy chatty thing. It’s a full out
bark, with a bit of a howl interspersed for variety. I just figure she is telling me about her day
– you know – that the mailman came to visit, the neighbor kids played hockey on
the icy street, if her back legs hurt today and most important, she would like
to know what time I’ll be serving her wet food late night snack.
Of course, I ask her questions back, I mean she is visiting
me and having a conversation – it’s a very loud 15 minutes – but after that,
she goes back to her peaceful quite beautiful self. What a face!!
:) Awww. Gunnie girl! <3