OK, this is a section in a little news paper that comes out
monthly in our area. It’s a good little
news paper – with local interest stories, school successes and then some stuff
that is from another distant community that never makes sense is in there – but that’s
just part of its quirkiness.
But, when I looked at the dining section in the last paper I
was greeted by this – or what I thought I saw, which was “Dining Gout”.
Umm, I don’t want to dine with gout. Quite sure when you have gout, dining is
almost the last thing on your mind – as your drink your fifth glass of tart
cherry juice that day and are ready to float back off to the familiar chair
with the foot stool in front of it.
Of course it says Dining Out, but when you spell everything
in caps there is no differentiation between the words and it all flows together
to read DINING GOUT. Or at least that’s
how my synapses processed it.
Just a suggestion, use caps at the beginning of the word to,
you know, make them readable.
Or is this little paper just jumping on the so called
upcoming Presidential election band wagon and yelling at us, like the two
main candidates do? Can’t anyone who is
running for president this election speak in a normal voice anymore, why are they always yelling at us??