
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Naming Convention (re-post)

Hi all - sorry I missed yesterday - I'm trying to be good and not miss Mondays.  But I went out and got myself a job, so I have to get back in the swing of things and the swing is pretty rusty... Doing a re-post tonight from 4/23/14.  Enjoy!

Pulling into the dentist I get out of my car and quickly glance at the vehicle parked next to me – then I do a double take, laugh and decide I need to take a photo of this on the way out – if it’s still here.
Just curious, do you see it too or am I the only one that finds the “name” of this very expensive vehicle hilarious?

Now, if you just see SPORT HSE, I want you to expand your mind.  Let’s say there is an apostrophe in the word SPORT, so it reads S’PORT.  Ok good.
Now let’s play that through.

What I saw when I looked at this – again very expensive vehicle- was SUPPORT HOSE and thought, gee that’s a funny name for a car.

Did no one at this “upper class” company see this?  Did no one associate all the funny phonetic spellings that are going on in this text and twitter world with the name of this truck?  I saw it instantly and laughed.  

No one, no one who gets paid large sums of money to do this for a living caught this on a glance and said, Hey – this might not fly, if you look at it quickly it looks like it says Support Hose??  Clearly not a good name for a high end vehicle.

To which maybe they received this reply “Well, cars really don't have names today– they are all numbers and letters in a jumble that no one can remember, surely it won’t be a problem.  Besides – who wears support hose these days; don’t women just go bare legged?”

Ah yes, so there you have it – maybe the next version will be aimed at men and called JCK STRP. 
Range Rover, if you need a new employee, just let me know, I’m full of great ideas – GRN COMBI, we could paint that one green or yellow, the new LR2 could become ALRT , we could go with reds and oranges, or BB QUE, complete with flames – oh what fun we could have!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Techno Colored Why?

Or in the words of Nancy Kerrigan – Wwaahhyyy????

These are crochet shorts – for men.  I know, for MEN!!!

Here’s the thing, these wouldn’t even look cute on an 80lb 20 year old woman.

What makes someone think we want to see yarn shorts on pasty white men?  Ok, let me continue with that unappealing thought – sweaty, summer hot, pasty white men, because you know, they are in shorts – can’t put a man in a pair of leggings and wear these in the winter.  Well, I suppose you could – couldn’t get much worse than this – could it??   Uck.

Don’t think these even existed in the 70’s and all sorts of crazy ass knitted things were popular in the 1970’s.

Oh and it gets better – not that if your grandma had knitted these in the 70’s and lovingly gave them to you, so you could put them on your stuffed teddy bear and tell her “yes – I am using them – thank you” – at least they would have been from your sweet grandma and they were free – these are most definitely NOT free.

Someone is charging ninety-nine US Dollars for these.  I know – a hundred bucks!  And someone else is buying them.  

I am not going to promote them, so if you want some you’ll have to do your own search online (and if you do – I want you to stay out west, where I’m sure these are coming from – you know, pot is legal in Denver – just chillin’ with the knitting needles…) – BUT – when you look at the site – some are SOLD OUT.  That just hurts me to think about it.            

Monday, April 13, 2015

Do They Come Sprinkled with Cinnamon?

Routing myself to a place on 14 mile, I was greeted with this screen on my phone.  
Look at the bottom.

Yes – YUMMMMM – Krispy Kreme Dognuts!  

Now, now we know where all the spare bits go when a doggie gets neutered.  Bet you didn’t want to know that did you?  Although recycling is good for the planet.

Going to need more than a cup of coffee to wash those down!! 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Identity Crisis

Is ETSY in the voting booth business now??

Clicking open an email from ETSY they are talking about spring and “glamping”.  

OK, I’m game, glamping usually involves some pretty cool “tents” in some beautiful areas.  Wonder if someone has “handmade” those round semi permanent tent structures and has them for sale, you know to put up in your backyard or on your up-north property or something.

Oh, that would be great, in the back yard you could use it as an office, or a playhouse for kids or as a spare room for the family visitors.  Yeah – glamping, whatever ETSY has should be pretty cool. 

“Click” – above picture appears.

Um, looks like a voting booth.  

The picture below is an actual voting booth.
Is someone in the “handmade” voting booth business on ETSY?  I can’t imagine a government invoice showing a purchase from ETSY for 50 voting booths, wouldn’t they need to come from some approved manufacturer – you know to keep from any hijinx happening when you are voting.  If any Tom, Dick or Harry could build a voting booth, isn’t there opportunity for corruption?  

Anyway – you know what it s not – it is not a voting booth, despite the fraternal twin-ness look of it all.

It is a “Glamping Stove.   Yup, that’s what they say it is.  So, someone is big into recycling old voting booths – and making them into “stoves”.  I guess that is what ETSY is all about now isn’t it?  

Ohhh, let's go glamping - thanks ETSY, I was looking for an anniversary trip idea - but I'm sorry to say, we won't be needing your - um "stove"...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Just doing a little braggin'

Ok, so this isn't really the normal blog post - but if you are a sports fan and you dig rugby - check out my bad-ass nephew.  He scored EVERYTHING!!  See you tomorrow with a real post - I promise!!

"The Under-19s secured Ireland's second underage international win over France in the space of a few hours as full-back David O'Mahony did all the scoring in today's 13-10 triumph in Marcoussis."

Ireland U19 Scorers:
Try: David O'Mahony; Con: David O'Mahony; Pens: David O'Mahony 2